Social Media
Communicative companies are transparent – transparency creates trust.
“Social Media is more than just playing Candy Crush on Facebook or watching kitten videos on YouTube. It has become a fixed marketing component of many companies, a compartment which demands to be developed and cared for and which can give you access to information you wouldn’t have found without Social Media management.” – Contact: Hendrik Hellmich
Increase in name recognition or rather visibility and range. The channels to spread news about your company day and night and promote your products and services. Various platforms offer different ways of communicating with your community.
Develop and expand interaction with the community. Say goodbye to the outdated structures of passive companies. In today’s world, it is getting more and more important to involve your own community in recent happenings. The keyword is interaction, not reaction. Due to profound interaction, trust is built and the loyalty to a product or label increases. Moreover, partners can be found, which can result in unexpected possibilities and collaborations.
Positive feedback leaves a good impression and can impress your potential customers. By actively approaching your target group you can not only reach communication goals, but also strive for worldwide marketing goals. Instagram as an image platform, for example, can quickly transform into an acquisition tool for new customers and cooperation.
Currency meets strategy. Due to a steady development in the field of Social Media, many companies have trouble maintaining an overview and simultaneously running their business. Simply creating a profile only to not take care of it can build up a bad reputation. As such, it is extremely important to maintain the profile and respond to all questions.